Friday, September 23, 2005

Aqui a missa de formatura da turma de Arquitetura e Urbanismo 2003/02 - UFES. Eu sou a de azul-turquesa na extrema esquerda.

Here is the celebration at the church of the students graduating in Architecture and Urban Planning 2003/02 - UFES. I'm the one in turquoise on the extreme left. Posted by Picasa

Essa foto nao e' atual; e' de novembro de 2003. Eu tinha 24 anos e estava no meu baile de formatura. Da esquerda para a direita: minha madrinha Cotinha, Aracy, eu e Tia Jacy.

This picture is not new. I was 24 and was at my graduation party. From the left to the right: my godmather Cotinha, Aracy, me and Aunt Jacy. Posted by Picasa

Meu pai segurando a minha mais nova sobrinha Larissa no hospital...

My father carrying my brand-new niece Larissa at the hospital... Posted by Picasa

Marina, Larissa and Bibinha. Posted by Picasa

Mercadoria cara e fina!!!!

Expensive and fine produce!!! Posted by Picasa

Felipe com Marina no colo e Alexssandra com Larissa no ventre!

Felipe (one of my brothers) carrying Marina in his arms and Alexssandra carrying Larissa inside! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Ele vai me matar!!!!! Mas eu achei essa foto tao linda!!!! Ele nao gostou muito, nao sei porque. Esse e' nosso amigo Mario, ele acabou de chegar de Vitoria, foi dar uma descansada la...

He's gonna kill me; he didn't like this photo, but I loved it!!! I think it's so cute!!!! This is Mario, our friend that just arrived from Vitoria; he went there to take some rest... Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Friday, September 16, 2005

No dia seguinte ao aniversario: eu sou o chofer da galera!! The following day: I'm the driver!! Posted by Picasa

MATRIX...imitando a cena em que o Neo desvia da bala...aqui eu desvio do soco!!! MATRIX the movie... Posted by Picasa

Crazy dance! Posted by Picasa

Yerco ja estava ficando pra la de Bagda...o cara que vai ser roomate dele ainda aguentava + umas doses...
Yerco was getting really wasted...hehehehe...his future roomate was still all right...
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Mulheres da festa com as biritas nas maos!!!! Women of the party with the alcohol!!!! Mujeres de la fiesta con las botellas!!!! Posted by Picasa

Me and Elisa... Posted by Picasa

Mostrando que o copo ta furado!!!
I think my glass has a hole... Posted by Picasa

Yerco's birthday (tuesday - september, 13)! Feliz cumpleanos!! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Jaime ja pronto pra foto e Jose (nosso amigo, dono desse barco, lembram?) me puxando pra direcao da camera
Jaime is ready for the picture and I was absent-minded, so Jose (remember our friend Jose, the owner of this boat?) is calling me to make me look to the cameraPosted by Picasa

Jose pilotando
Jose "driving" the boat Posted by Picasa

Da esq p/ dir: Jaime, Elisa e Jose Posted by Picasa

Passeio de barco hj e ontem. Comecou a chover e a ventar bastante durante a noite, o barco balancou um monte...ate agora to vendo o mundo balancar de um lado pro outro e qdo fico de pe sinto tontura...hehehheehehe.
We all went in a boat to have fun, get a tan and take lots of pictures! During the night it rained and the winds were strong...we still see the world moving like we were still in a boat
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Elisa Posted by Picasa

Eu e Elisa, Miami ao fundo Posted by Picasa

... Posted by Picasa

Miami... Posted by Picasa

Bayside Posted by Picasa